Short Story Unit, Part I: Process leading to the production of BOTH a response and an original short story
- Note-sheet to James Thurber's"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" published in 1942 in the anthology My World and Welcome to It (listen to it here or here) AND the writing exercise inspired by this story typed to a minimum of 400 words
- 2-3 minute talk analyzing a pop culture text of your choice using a literary lens:
- Here is a website to help with literary lenses.
- Here are the handouts on literary lenses we used in class for the workshop (adapted and/or reprinted mostly from OWL Purdue, Wikipedia, and the websites in above bullet point. Not for reproduction)
- Assignment and checklist/rubric
- Sauve's ad and written example
- Note-sheet to "The Blue Jar" (Word Q version here) published in 1942 is a story within a story called "The Young Man with the Carnation" in the anthology Winter's Tales AND the writing exercise inspired by this story typed to a minimum of 400 word
- See Sauvé's "The Blue Jar" exercise cluster, story-plotting brainstorm chart, and 300 word exercise model, and typed extended version
- Note-sheet to "Hills Like White Elephants" published 1927 in the anthology titled Men without Women. Listen to it here AND the writing exercise inspired by this story typed to a minimum of 400 words. See Sauvé's example.
- Sites to help understand the literary movement of Modernism: Wikipedia or The Literature Network
- Read "Roselily" published in 1973 in an anthology titled In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women (listen to it here) and do the note-sheet AND the writing exercise inspired by this story typed to a minimum of 400 words.
If students receive less than an 75% (4-), they may revise and re-submit note-sheets.
All story note-sheets will count collectively for a weighted value of 2 for the READING competency.
All writing exercises will count towards the process grade of the short story; missed checkpoints will be deducted from the final story grade.
Standing homework is to read their independent books