Social Commentary Spoken Word Poem
Stage 1 - the beginning. Check out all the freewriting exercises here.
Stage 2 - crafting and revision
Stage 2 - crafting and revision
- Revision 1 - story, content, flow, narrator, consistency in tone, verb tense, point of view, etc.
- Revision 2 - literary techniques revision exercises, labeling them on the draft
- Revision 3 - spoken conventions revision exercises, labeling them on the draft, use the toolkit
- Revision 4 - for performance techniques, labeled, and SC meaning, use the toolkit
- Sauve revised draft 4 with notes for spoken performance (legend) & meaning / social commentary
Sauve final good copy
Spoken Word Toolkit - how to add spoken word conventions to your poem
Assignment and checklist
Bob Dylan "Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie" audio and words
Billy Collins' "Littany" recited by himself and by a 3-year old
Spoken Word Toolkit - how to add spoken word conventions to your poem
Assignment and checklist
Bob Dylan "Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie" audio and words
Billy Collins' "Littany" recited by himself and by a 3-year old