Freewrite Exercises for Social Commentary Spoken Word Poem
Interpret the prompt your way, write uninterrupted and without self-editing as you go, for 15-20 minutes straight. Try to get at least half a page single-spaced. The goal is to experiment, to let the creative juices flow, not to second guess yourself about good or bad – just do it and see what comes out! Remember to continue this freewite/exercise at home to flesh out a draft poem, each time.
1) Metaphor Vignette
Model: Ms. Sauve’s journal
Make a list of 15 social issues, qualities or values that are present or not or taken for granted in the left side of two columns. On the right list 15 random objects – fast as you can. Now choose 1 issue from left column and 1 object from right – make sure they are not obviously related like say dreams and stars or love and hearts. Start freewrite with issue is or is like object (example mine is apathy is like a pebble under the current of the rapids) and then spend the paragraph explaining what qualities of the object this issue possesses.
2) Brainstorm TOPICS - Create 5 columns – See my example:
Column 1) My values, 2) what I believe in / know to be true, 3) things I’ll fight for, 4) Pet peeves, things I hate, I hate it when… 5) challenges or difficulties I have had. Use this list to help you with topics for these next 5 exercises
3) Apostrophe to one of the social issues
Models: “Dirty Window”, “Box of Rain” lyrics or audio, Ms. Sauve’s journal
An apostrophe is a type of poem which is a direct address either to an absent person or to an abstract or inanimate entity. The effects can be either highly formal or of a sudden emotional impulse. Read the model examples. Choose 1 issue / idea / quality / sub-idea and write to that thing as though it can hear you – so use second person ‘you’, personify it.
4) "Box of Rain" by The Grateful Dead Ms. Sauve's example
Step 1 - brainstorm a list of containers like 'box' - tornado, sea, jar, locket, etc.
Step 2 - brainstorm a list of things that it could contain like 'rain', snow, sunshine, sand, tears, etc.
Step 3 - with your title now, try to follow the pattern, rhythm and style of a song that you really like (like I have done with "Box of Rain" above)l
Keep the focus on nature motif, spoken conventions like repetition, rhyme, and questions, literary techniques like simile, metaphor, personification, etc Actually format it like a poem, to the rhythm of the song.
Interpret the prompt your way, write uninterrupted and without self-editing as you go, for 15-20 minutes straight. Try to get at least half a page single-spaced. The goal is to experiment, to let the creative juices flow, not to second guess yourself about good or bad – just do it and see what comes out! Remember to continue this freewite/exercise at home to flesh out a draft poem, each time.
1) Metaphor Vignette
Model: Ms. Sauve’s journal
Make a list of 15 social issues, qualities or values that are present or not or taken for granted in the left side of two columns. On the right list 15 random objects – fast as you can. Now choose 1 issue from left column and 1 object from right – make sure they are not obviously related like say dreams and stars or love and hearts. Start freewrite with issue is or is like object (example mine is apathy is like a pebble under the current of the rapids) and then spend the paragraph explaining what qualities of the object this issue possesses.
2) Brainstorm TOPICS - Create 5 columns – See my example:
Column 1) My values, 2) what I believe in / know to be true, 3) things I’ll fight for, 4) Pet peeves, things I hate, I hate it when… 5) challenges or difficulties I have had. Use this list to help you with topics for these next 5 exercises
3) Apostrophe to one of the social issues
Models: “Dirty Window”, “Box of Rain” lyrics or audio, Ms. Sauve’s journal
An apostrophe is a type of poem which is a direct address either to an absent person or to an abstract or inanimate entity. The effects can be either highly formal or of a sudden emotional impulse. Read the model examples. Choose 1 issue / idea / quality / sub-idea and write to that thing as though it can hear you – so use second person ‘you’, personify it.
4) "Box of Rain" by The Grateful Dead Ms. Sauve's example
Step 1 - brainstorm a list of containers like 'box' - tornado, sea, jar, locket, etc.
Step 2 - brainstorm a list of things that it could contain like 'rain', snow, sunshine, sand, tears, etc.
Step 3 - with your title now, try to follow the pattern, rhythm and style of a song that you really like (like I have done with "Box of Rain" above)l
Keep the focus on nature motif, spoken conventions like repetition, rhyme, and questions, literary techniques like simile, metaphor, personification, etc Actually format it like a poem, to the rhythm of the song.
5) Hooks exercise - brainstorm some hooks or change ones that exist like "I have a dream" or "Love is the drug" and use it as the first line of your poem draft and then repeat the hook throughout in different ways
Sauve hooks brainstorm example
Sauve Hooks freewite example "strivin' to maintain my optimism"
Sauve hooks freewrite example "We live for fatal attractions"
Sauve hooks brainstorm example
Sauve Hooks freewite example "strivin' to maintain my optimism"
Sauve hooks freewrite example "We live for fatal attractions"